Our lives are governed by time. We have a time to get up; a time to leave the house; a time to start work; a time to have lunch; a time for meetings; etc. So it is very important that children are able to, not only tell the time, but understand how to calculate using time.
As time is all around us it is easy to ask children questions relating to time, which will not only improve their comprehension of time itself, but also their mental maths.
Next time they put on a DVD ask them to look up the total running time on the back and tell you what it is in hours and minutes. If they start watching a DVD which lasts for, say, 85 minutes get them to tell you what time it will finish. If they have a favourite television programme get them to tell you how long it is until it starts. If there is an important date coming up get them to calculate how many days it will be, thus reinforcing their knowledge of the length of each month.
I have put together a worksheet which contains the types of time questions which children are usually asked, which your child could complete for practise. Together with this is another worksheet, which has the details removed, so that you can fill in the blanks, before getting your child to complete it, if they need further reinforcement.